I’m Kay.
I’m a 30yr old, currently living with my partner in Toronto but have been dreaming of my escape out of the city for a few years now. I love the city but after over 10 years here, I’m ready for a quieter lifestyle, and a slower pace.
My dream life, you ask?
Goats. Well actually – a moderately sized home, a huge vegetable garden where I can grow my produce, a workshop, a big bright sunroom off the house, a few chickens, and a couple goats.
What am I waiting for?
Well that one’s a little tougher.
I’ve spent the last couple years knowing my current lifestyle wasn’t a good long term fit…knowing I needed to get out, but have felt paralyzed. I had no idea how to go about this and have been scared to leave this “perfect” life behind, that so many other people would love to live.
As my partner and I talk more about this move, we’re starting to understand the things that need to happen first. There’s a lot for us to consider before we pack up and move our life somewhere else.
First off, we need to choose where we think we’ll want to live. We’ll factor in things like proximity to family and friends, job prospects, and lifestyle.
We’ll want to save up. We have established some savings to eventually buy a property, but expect salaries will decrease being outside of the city so we want to make the most of these salaries while we have them.
I don’t expect to find a lot of job prospects doing what I do in a smaller city since startups will be hard to come by. I’ll need to sort out what type of job I’ll be looking for – whether remote work, something as similar as possible to what I do now, or a complete 180 into something that better aligns with what I hope to do long term.
I started this blog as a way to chronicle the steps I’m taking to get there. Here you’ll find articles about designing the life you want, simplification, financial planning, frugal living, and living more sustainably.
For me, this blog helps to organize my thoughts to give me the confidence to make this leap. If making it public can help you too, well then that’s just dandy.
Follow me as I work my way towards the transition from city to country and from spender to saver!